13 ways to build a nice relationship of trust

Trust is a very special and formative sense, the existence of which is necessary for the success of companies and partnerships.
How then I build a good relationship?
1. I speak clearly and honestly.
2. I show respect for others.
3. Care for transparency in all transactions.
4. corrects my mistakes at every opportunity.
5. I have faith to others and not to lose the first opportunity.
6. Remember that the goal and my role in a company is to bring results.
7. Constantly trained and prostrate the scope of my knowledge on a daily basis.
8. I face reality.
9. I’m clear with what I expect from others and my demands on them.
10. I do not exclude my responsibilities and I am not afraid to admit my mistake.
11. Learn to listen to responsible man who is opposite me and my talks.
12. No breach of its commitments and my promises.
13. I trust the other first.