Terms of Use
Personal Data Protection
Our website is fully compliant with the GDPR 679/2016. The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor/user of the Website is subject to these terms, as well as to the provisions of national, EU and international law on the protection of individuals from the processing of personal data, as applicable.
The present terms will be subject to any possible future relevant regulation.
The website uses user data, as recorded through the website contact form, for the purpose of contacting users or for subscriptions to the newsletter. The website may process part or all of the personal data sent by the visitor/user for statistical purposes and for the improvement of the services – information provided by the website, but in no case does it offer for sale or otherwise transmit or publish the personal data of website users to unaffiliated third parties, without the user’s consent, save when such is effected in application of relevant legal provisions and solely to the competent authorities. In addition, the website collects non-personal identification data of Website visitors/users using dedicated technologies, such as cookies or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking technologies. The Website may include additional interactive areas. Visitors/users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose their personal information (e.g. user name, e-mail address) in an interactive area of the Website, this information, together with the actual information disclosed in their communication, may be collected, associated and used by third parties and may result in the “unsolicited” sending of messages by third parties. Such actions are not controlled by the Website, which does not guarantee that the identity of the visitor/user will not be made known, if methods it is unable to control are used. It is forbidden for visitors/users to violate or attempt to violate the security of the Website. Any breach shall be subject to the penalties provided for by law.
The wording of the present terms is made taking into account both the rapid growth of technology, and the internet in particular, and the existing legislation on these matters. In any case, the website manifest.gr reserves the right to change the personal data protection terms upon informing visitors / users and always within the context of the existing or any future Greek and EU legal framework on these issues.
Any visitors / users that do not agree with the personal data protection terms provided herein, should not use the services of the website manifest.gr.
The personal data collected by the website manifest.gr are:
The website manifest.gr may use cookies, i.e. small files stored by your browser on the computer, tablet, mobile phone and generally on any device used to browse the website manifest.gr; these allow websites to store various types of anonymous information, such as visitor preferences or website visit logs. Thus, manifest.gr may use cookies for the identification of visitors / users in certain services and pages.
These are used for facilitating visitor / user access regarding the use of specific services of the website manifest.gr for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas where the website services are useful or popular or for advertising purposes. We also use cookies to compile anonymous visitor statistics. Cookies cannot be used to identify you personally. Cookies are stored solely on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone) and the Website does not maintain any file or database with your personal data.
Visitors / users of manifest.gr may set their computer browser to notify them on the use of cookies for specific services of manifest.gr, or may not accept the use of cookies at all. When visitors / users of specific services and pages of manifest.gr do not wish to allow the use of cookies for their identification, they can have no further access to said services.
If you wish to enable or disable the use of cookies from your browser settings, depending on your browser, visit the following websites to learn about what you need to do:
Internet Explorer http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835
Chrome http://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en
Opera http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042
Safari for iPad and iPhone http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677
Links to other websites
The website manifest.gr includes links to other websites which are not controlled by it, but by their owners (natural or legal persons). In any case, the website manifest.gr is not responsible for the Personal Data Protection Terms these implement, nor does it state that it fully agrees with the views, opinions and content of such other websites. It is also not liable for the content and services of other websites to which it is linked through other links or advertising banners.
IP Addresses
The IP address through which a PC has access to the Internet and subsequently to the website manifest.gr is recorded and used exclusively for the collection of statistical data related to the monitoring of traffic to the website manifest.gr.
General terms on the protection of personal data
The website manifest.gr safeguards the personal nature of your data and may not transmit such to any third party (natural or legal person) for any reason, save when such is effected in application of relevant legal provisions and solely to the competent authorities.
The website manifest.gr keeps records of the personal data sent by visitors / users exclusively for communication purposes.
Visitors / users can contact the competent department in order to verify the existence of their personal file, request its rectification, change or deletion.
If they are minors, visitors / users of the website manifest.gr have access to the website services only upon the written and explicit consent of the persons who have parental responsibility over them and are not obliged to submit their personal data. In any case, we make reasonable efforts to verify that consent or approval has been given by the person who effectively has parental responsibility over the child, i.e. via authentication of identity and any other available information. If such information is submitted by minors and provided that the website is informed of this, it shall delete all relevant information.
The website manifest.gr and in particular its marketing department may process part or all of the data you have sent for statistical purposes and for the improvement of the services – information it provides.
Contract of use
Visitors / users of the pages and services of the website manifest.gr consent to the following terms of use, which apply to all content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included in manifest.gr.
Therefore, they must read these terms carefully before visiting or using the pages and services of the website manifest.gr.
If they do not agree, they should refrain from using the services and the content of manifest.gr. Visitors / users are requested to check the content of these pages for possible changes. The continued use of the website manifest.gr, even after any changes, indicates the unconditional acceptance of these terms by the visitor / user.
Intellectual property rights
Except for expressly mentioned exceptions (copyright of third parties, partners and bodies), all content of manifest.gr, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, services provided and generally all files of this website, constitute intellectual property of the website manifest.gr and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek and EU law and international conventions.
Consequently, none of these may be wholly or partly sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted or distributed for personal gain in any manner.
This excludes the case of the sole storage of a unique copy of part of the content on a simple personal computer for non-commercial use and without deleting the indication of its origin from the website manifest.gr, without the relevant intellectual property rights being affected in any way.
For the above reasons, the website manifest.gr may prohibit access to the information it presents to anyone who does not comply with the above.
All other products or services mentioned in the web pages hereof that bear the trade marks of the respective organisations, companies, affiliates, bodies, associations or publications, are their intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the responsibility for such.
Visitor/user obligations
Visitors / users of the pages and services of the website manifest.gr assume responsibility for any damage caused to the website manifest.gr by the misuse or abuse of the relevant services. Visitors / users of the Website must comply with the provisions of Greek, EU and International Law, and refrain from any misuse or abuse of the content and services of the Website. Any damage caused to the Website or the Internet, resulting from the misuse or abuse of the relevant services by the visitor/user of the Website, falls within the sphere of their exclusive responsibility.
More specifically, visitors / member users of manifest.gr pages are solely responsible for any content that constitutes an insult to the personality, honour, or reputation of third parties, or content that violates the personal data of third parties, or violates the criminal law in general.
Visitors / member users are solely responsible for remedying any loss or non-material damage caused through our services, by the posting, publication or disclosure of any content thereby.
If, despite the volume of data, information, contents, etc., our website is in any way informed of content that constitutes an insult to the personality, honour or reputation of any third party, which – in its opinion – results in moral damage and property damage to a third party, it is entitled, without notice:
- to delete the specific content immediately.
- to terminate the account of the member user.
- to take any legal measure at its discretion, to prevent the specific act, and the causing of any damage to third parties.
Indicative list of prohibited uses of the services of manifest.gr
In compliance with the applicable legislation, the Constitution, International Conventions and the generally accepted rules of conduct, the users / members of manifest.gr must refrain from:
- posting and publishing any content which objectively constitutes an insult to the personality, honour, reputation, public image, or property of any third party;
- posting and publishing content that is contrary to the Law, morals, is defamatory or contrary to the Constitutional concepts of protection of human life, honour, property and dignity or violates the personal data of others, or constitutes the subjective or objective element of any crime or is characterised by a racist approach;
- posting and publishing pornographic content in general, and child pornography in particular, or content which infringes the protection of minors afforded by the Constitution;
- posting and publishing content that offends Democracy, the right to freedom of religion, the protection of minority groups, promotes racism and xenophobia or offends the civil, political and social rights of Greek citizens.
Immediately upon becoming aware of any of the above prohibited uses, member users of our website pages must notify our website, which is then obliged to immediately delete any relevant content, and terminate the operation of the member user’s account. The large volume of visitors – users of the pages, and the very large volume of topics posted and published, makes it necessary for all of us to contribute to detecting any unlawful use, and to preventing such.
In addition to bearing sole responsibility for posting and publishing any content, visitors – member users of the pages of manifest.gr undertake, if a legal case is brought, to remedy any damage to our website or to any third party, and – more specifically – in the event of damage to a third party and initiation of legal proceedings before the Courts, are obliged to bring a third-party intervention in favour of our website, and then possibly to pay any amount awarded in favour of a third party due to this, at the expense of our website. In any case, member users of our website accept as lawful and fair our right to discontinue the use of their personal passwords if the member user violates the above indicatively listed terms.
Limitation of liability of the website manifest.gr
Under no circumstances, including in the event of negligence, is the website manifest.gr liable for any kind of damage suffered by visitors / users of the pages, services, options and contents of the website manifest.gr, which they proceed to on their own initiative and with knowledge of the terms hereof.
The contents of the website manifest.gr are provided “as is”, without any explicit or implied guarantee in any manner. To the maximum extent possible and in accordance with the law, the website manifest.gr denies all explicit or implied guarantees, including, but not limited to, those implying marketability and suitability for a specific purpose.
The website manifest.gr does not provide any guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without any interruption, errors and that errors will be fixed.
Furthermore, manifest.gr does not guarantee that the same or any other related website or the servers through which these are made available to you, are free of viruses or other harmful elements.
The website manifest.gr does not guarantee in any way the correctness, completeness or availability of contents, pages, services, options or their results.
The cost of any corrections or facilitations is borne by the visitor / user and in no case by the website manifest.gr.
Links to other websites
The website manifest.gr does not check the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and webpages to which it refers through links, hyperlinks, or advertising banners.
Therefore, for any problem encountered during their visit/use, you must contact directly the respective websites and webpages, which are responsible for providing their services.
The website manifest.gr should in no way be considered to endorse or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it provides links or to be associated with them in any other way.
The Website sends newsletters only to subscribers who have chosen to receive these and fully in compliance with regulations on correspondence, as well as with the EU’s GDPR. Subscribers can always opt to be deleted from the newsletter mailing list; this is done through an authentication process (the same applies for subscriptions) of the subscriber’s email address (opt–in, opt–out).
Subscribers’ e-mails are used exclusively for sending newsletters and updating them and for no other purpose. When a subscriber is deleted from the mailing list, their e-mail is permanently deleted.
The newsletters sent to mailing list subscribers are the intellectual property of the Website and are therefore protected by the applicable provisions of Greek and EU legislation, as well as by international conventions. The Website reserves the right not to subscribe or to delete users from the mailing lists.
Use of Interactive areas – Message boards – Fora
The Website may provide contact forms, notice boards and other interactive areas, and present on message boards or fora its own topics for discussion, providing visitors/users of the Website’s services with the opportunity to participate in the discussion of these topics by sending/posting written messages. The use of these services implies that the visitor/user is solely responsible for the communication he/she makes and the consequences arising from the publication of this communication. The Website bears no responsibility for the fidelity, accuracy or reliability of the material published when these services are used or for the consequences of the relevant communication or the consequences arising from the use of the Website. Visitors/users of the Website must abide by the rules of good conduct and decency and refrain from unlawful or immoral statements. Indicatively, they undertake not to proceed to the following actions:
- use of the services for any purpose in violation of applicable law,
- publication of material infringing third-party intellectual property rights or the rights relating to privacy or disclosure of third-party information,
- publication of material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, disturbing, offensive or material that causes discontent to third parties (natural or legal persons), as determined by the website, at its discretion,
- publication of material that includes viruses and/or malicious code that can cause damage or destroy the files or programs of the Website or the users of the Website,
- publication of advertisements or other commercial material,
- misrepresentation of identity,
- publication of the same post more than once,
- any other action which restricts or prevents another person from using the Website or which, in the opinion of the Website, exposes the same or any of the Website users to legal liability or detrimental situations.
The Website reserves the right to prohibit or discontinue the display of written messages and other material in the event of violation of these terms of use. The Website can in no way be considered to accept or in any way endorse the personal ideas or views expressed in these messages or in the relevant material. Visitors/users of these services retain any intellectual property rights incorporated in their messages.
Manifest.gr may invite its visitors/users to vote on topical issues, which it presents in the form of questions with multiple-choice answers. Voter responses are recorded, analysed and commented on by manifest.gr in order to draw conclusions on trends amongst manifest.gr visitors as regards the specific issue being put to the vote. Manifest.gr reserves the exclusive right to collect and use this information and its findings thereon are its intellectual property. These open votes DO NOT constitute and should not be considered as a scientific tool (poll), but only as a recording of trends amongst visitors on specific issues. Manifest.gr may set more specific conditions for participating in the voting and reserves the right to suspend the voting procedure.
Comments – User Posts
The article commentary service was created to allow users to present their comments and opinion on articles.
Due to a large volume of comments, manifest.gr has the right to check these before they are posted. The administrators of manifest.gr have the right not to post or to delete user comments at their discretion and without further justification, if these do not comply with the general rules of use of manifest.gr and in addition:
- Aim at advertising
- Include link or html codes
- Create confrontations with other users
- Contain abusive, racist or immoral content
and generally – in the opinion of the administrators of manifest.gr – were posted for any other reason and purpose other than that for which this service was created.
All members/users/associates, regardless of content posting privilege level, assume responsibility for any damage caused to the website manifest.gr and to third parties from the misuse or abuse of the relevant article, commentary and content posting services.
More specifically, the author posting each text is solely responsible for any content that constitutes an insult to the personality, honour, or reputation of third parties, or content that violates the personal data of third parties, or violates the criminal law in general. Members/users/associates are solely responsible for remedying any loss or non-material damage caused through our services, by the posting, publication or disclosure of any content thereby.
In addition to bearing sole responsibility for posting and publishing any content, members/users/associates of manifest.gr undertake, if a legal case is brought, to remedy any damage to our website or to any third party, and – more specifically – in the event of damage to a third party and initiation of legal proceedings before the Courts, are obliged to bring a third-party intervention in favour of our website, and then possibly to pay any amount awarded in favour of a third party due to this, at the expense of our website. In any case, member users of our website accept as lawful and fair our right to directly delete the post and to discontinue the use of their personal passwords if the member user violates the above indicatively listed terms.
The Company reserves the right to revise these terms of use of the Website at any time and for any reason, without prior notice or any obligation. Users/visitors must refer to them at regular intervals in order to be informed of any possible changes and, if they continue to use the Website, they are presumed to have accepted the amended terms and conditions for its use. Otherwise, they must refrain from using/visiting the Website.
Applicable law and other terms
The above terms and conditions of use of the website manifest.gr, and any amendment, change or alteration thereto, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, EU law and the relevant international treaties.
If found that any provision of the above terms is or becomes inconsistent with the above legal framework, it shall automatically cease to apply and shall be removed from the present terms, without in any way affecting the validity of the remaining terms.
These terms constitute the entire agreement between the website manifest.gr and the visitor / user of its pages and services and bind solely these parties. No amendment of these terms shall be taken into account and shall constitute part of this agreement, unless expressed in writing and incorporated herein.
As per the above, it is expressly agreed that any disputes that may arise from the application of these terms and the use of the Website by the visitor/user in general shall be governed by Greek Law and, if not resolved amicably, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens.
The republishing, reproduction (in whole or in part) of the content of manifest.gr in photocopies, documents, print-outs, recordings or in any other manner save electronically, without the prior written permission of the publisher, IS FORBIDDEN.
In accordance with Law No. 2121/1993 and the rules of international law in force in Greece,
the reproduction (in whole or in part) of content from manifest.gr that is content thereof and does not originate from the reproduction of another source, electronically via the internet, IS ALLOWED, provided that the source ‘manifest.gr’ is clearly mentioned, accompanied by an electronic link leading visitors to the corresponding page of manifest.gr.