protecting the environment is everyone’s business

corporate social responsibility "environment"
The environment is our home. We must respect and protect it as a legacy for future generations. As an active group in the community, we are committed to carrying out all environmental actions from the use of eco-friendly materials to tree planting.

environmental actions
Recognizing that every company’s operation, regardless of its activities and size, has an impact on the natural environment, Manifest actively supports actions of environmental nature.
In Manifest, we keep our environmental conscience alive because we believe that sound environmental management and the adoption of green entrepreneurship principles is a matter of our concern. Within the framework of the celebration of International Earth Day, Manifest has actively supported Adidas Hellas making the symbolic move to “adopt” a plot of land, next to the premises of Adida’s central offices in Glyfada, and transform it into a garden.

The protection of the environment is a matter of paramount importance for us all, and creating prospects for sustainability results from the sound environmental awareness that underlies Manifest’s entire workforce.
Manifest’s environmental policy is reflected in all aspects of the company’s activities; awareness-raising among staff, use of ecological materials, improvement of offices and facilities energy indicators, use of transportation means and machinery as well as in the workspaces methodology and waste management systems.

waste management
In complete agreement with the principles of green development and sustainable waste management, Manifest demonstrates innovation and has initiated the exclusive marketing and distribution of oxo-biodegradable waste bags with the company’s logo printed across the bag’s length.
Oxo-biodegradable plastic products are the evolution and upgrading of conventional plastic products, turning them into environmentally-friendly products, without them losing any of their plastic properties, as we know them.
Therefore, waste management becomes an easy business for everybody while the concept of green development is strengthened. Through the provision of waste management services, Manifest implements its know-how as well as it guides, in practice, towards the protection of the environment.