3 tips to upgrade the work environment
The work environment can undoubtedly affect the performance of employees and the quality of their daily lives, as they spend much of their day at work. Work can be an important source of satisfaction and fulfillment. Colors, decoration, cleanliness are some of the key factors that can positively or not affect the work environment and employee performance.
In addition, we suggest 3 tips with which you can significantly upgrade the work environment:
1. Health benefits
By providing healthy snacks and drinks, you enhance the well-being of your employees, but also their willingness to produce their work with joy.
At Manifest we provide daily fresh fruits and healthy snacks, as well as self-made herbal iced tea, so that they are permanently available to all colleagues. In this way we achieve a pleasant working environment.
2. Flexible schedule
Ensure a free and flexible schedule for your employees, as the most important thing is to achieve the best results. This will give them the flexibility and the feeling of creativity, but also of confidence and will relieve them of possible stress.
Teleworking is a representative example. Or you can incorporate into their daily routine a sport that (if conditions allow) they can do during their breaks, as we do at Manifest with our standard ping-pong table tournament.
3. Rewarding employees
In our culture, fairness and human development are fundamental values. We recognize and reward our people and share the good news of our team!
At regular intervals we reward the employees with good results and every Thursday we hold our corporate meeting with the entire management team of our company where we applaud the good news of the week and achieve the high morale of the team.
Our people are our strength, and we must ensure the best working conditions to simplify their daily lives, to fill them with energy and satisfaction, so that they work happily and for the good of the team!
Author: Mrs. Kleopatra Panagopoulou – Quality Manager at Manifest Services SA