
we protect you
to return to workplace


Green Level

Protective Measures

  • Continuous disinfection of key touch points in workplace with a special surface disinfectant against Covid-19.
  • Amplification of end-of-day cleaning process with a special surface disinfectant against Covid-19.
  • Montly disinfection with mist-dusting spraying using an FDA approved formulation.
  • Chemical cleaning of A/C and HVAC units (2 times / year).
  • Provision of personal safety measures for your employees (e.g. gloves, protective masks, antiseptic gel).
  • Provision of special surface disinfectant for your employees, either for their desktops or for home use.

Timing of application

It’s the evolution of Orange Level. It is an even less mild application of the protective measures in the workplace, which will require a grand recession in the spread of the virus.

Key Touch Points

The 3-hour continuous disinfection of key touch points in the workplace will take place every day from 12.00 – 15.00, by trained personnel with special surface disinfectant against Covid-19, Oasis Pro 20 Premium by Ecolab.

The key touch points will be disinfected once (1) per day within the 3-hour morning shift and once (1) within the end-of-day cleaning shift.

ATTENTION: The number of people that will apply the 3-hour continuous disinfection of key touch points will be determined by the size of each premise. The appraisal of the number will be determined by the Facility Services Coordinator of your premises.


The disinfection application by cold mist-dusting spraying is proposed on a monthly basis, after the employees leave the workplace. The spraying is applied with an electrical device called Cold Fogger and it spreads an FDA approved formulation (DALCO 100), creating a cold fog, which covers all surfaces without making them wet.

The aim of this application is to sterilize the workplace thoroughly.

Air Quality Control

The directives that are mentioned in the 23/4/2020 Ministry of Health Bulletin and the directives of international organizations such as ASHREA, apply regarding the A/C and HVAC units and are summarized based on the below:

  • Amplification in the ventilation of the premises through the ventilation systems and production of fresh air intake.
  • Intensification of the maintenance procedure for the A/C and HVAC units (chemical cleaning 2 times/year is proposed).
  • Technical report with proposals for the application of the bare minimum actions for preventive maintenance and cleaning of the equipment.
  • Compliance with the general guidance of minimizing the spread of viral particulates and natural ventilation with minimum settings.

To carry out the technical report, we need the specifications of the premises and a site visit. The proposed settings can be applied immediately.