Manifest Services, at the 15th Maintenance Forum

On Friday October 7th, we participated as a sponsor in the 15th Maintenance Forum, that took place at the OTEAcademy. The goal of the Maintenance Forum is to highlight the importance of maintenance in the efficient and safe operation of E/M equipment in building and industrial facilities.

Mr. George Farlekas, General Manager of Manifest Services, delivered a presentation on “The moral Approach of Facility Management”, discussing the advantages of the moralius digital platform for Facility Management services providers and their customers.

As specifically stated by Mr. Farlekas, “We have created the perfect FM ecosystem, which aligns customer, provider, staff and partners in a common goal, to increase the productivity of the employees of the facilities we serve.”

We would like to thank Boussias for the cooperation and the very interesting and successful event.

Watch the presentation