The 4 skills of every successful Facility Manager
According to the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), a facility manager (FM) must in his capacity “ensure the functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrating people, place, processes and technology”.
IFMA also lists a number of “skill sets” required by facility management professionals:

Employment and human factors
Functions and maintenance
Information and technology management
Danger management
Performance and quality
Leadership and strategy
Real estate
Project management
Financial and business activities
It is safe to say that facility managers need to have a wide range of key skills. So, we approached several industry experts and asked them to choose what they think is the # 1 skill for success. ….
Technological creativity
By nature, facility managers face tons of challenges every day. Many of these challenges require creative solutions.
“This is especially true with the influx of technological solutions – a creative combination of technological tools must be found that best suits the needs of the installation.” – Elliott Chase, Managing Editor at i-FM.
So, if you are in the habit of following the rules and doing the “work as usual”, then you are probably not going to create an innovative workplace. In fact, you run the risk of falling behind on many important tools you need to know.
There has been a lot of discussion about the change in the industry that has resulted from the growing role of technology. From our point of view, as industry observers, it is clear that there are two areas that are critical to success.
An open mind is required for new opportunities encountered in service management, delivery and reporting. This will help a Facility Manager stay informed and in demand.
As we move towards a greater reliance on cloud-based technology, there is (as always) a security flap with many human features. Facility management is a business of people, in multiple dimensions, and will continue to be.

The majority of a plant manager’s responsibilities focus on creating a happier and healthier work environment. Therefore, it is imperative that you put yourself in the “shoes” of your employees and visitors to your facility – and show compassion.
Jurriaan Hommes, co-owner of Hospitality Works !, agrees that one of the most important skills for a facility manager is the ability to deal effectively with people.
“Facility Management concerns the employees, the various stakeholders, the end users and the visitors of your facility.
It’s not just “office” work and all the procedures, it’s about what your guests (and employees) do every day when they walk through your department. You should guide your staff by example and be present if needed. ”- Jurriaan Hommes, owner of Integrated Facility Management. ….
No matter how well you understand Excel or building management software, you need to be able to quickly handle new or emerging situations that come your way.
You need to do it with a very calm, cool, collected demeanor.
Peter Ankerstjerne, Marketing Manager at ISS A / S and non-executive member of IFMA, believes that the number one facility of the Facility Manager is adaptability.
“Facility managers must be able to understand and support the client’s core business activities and tailor the workplace and service accordingly.” – Peter Ankerstjerne….
A mentality based on data
David Markowitz of ServiceChannel, an expert in plant management analysis tools, is well versed in data analysis.
He believes that added value as a facility manager means analyzing the cost of the facility, the performance of the contractors and the quality of the services (among others.) But that is not all.
Next, you need to identify cost overruns and areas for improvement.
“Today, any system administrator who wants to stay on top of their game needs to be more data-driven. “The profession is moving away from just being the sender of technicians for job requests.” – David Markowitz….
in conclusion
While each skill is important on its own, combining all of the above can really make the difference between an average installation manager and one that stands out. ….
What is absolutely clear is that the role of facility managers extends beyond on-the-spot responsibilities. ….
Conclusion? Exciting times are coming!