high standards of organization and
corporate management



From the first day of the establishment of our company we have set the highest standards of organization, which we are constantly upgrading. All the basic functions of our company are recorded in a detailed and easy-to-understand way, so that everyone knows in detail exactly what they need to do.

With 160 procedures and 30 policies, which far exceed the needs of standard certifications, we have managed to work with maximum efficiency, which raises the morale of our team.

Having 10 certifications so far, we ensure the high level of quality of our services and the satisfaction of our customers.

Oι πιστοποιήσεις μας


Our policies

The main goal of the Unified Management System of “Manifest Services S.A.” is the continuous improvement of the provided products and services and the improvement of the environmental footprint of the Company, always guided by the continuous satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the recognized as interested parties, as much as possible.

The basic principles as they are expressed through the procedures of the Company’s Applied System are:

Compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements governing its operation, in terms of service provision, the environment.

  • Compliance with specified customer requirements as agreed through written contracts / agreements in order to increase their satisfaction
  • Constructive cooperation with all suppliers / partners
  • Constructive cooperation with all suppliers / partners
  • Promoting open dialogue and stakeholder information in a spirit of honesty and mutual respect
  • The continuous information and training of the staff and their encouragement for their active participation, at individual and group level, in the improvement of the working environment and in environmental protection actions in the field of their activity
  • Investigating the causes of non-compliances or complaints and further identifying corrective actions.
  • The systematic identification, assessment and control of the environmental impact and the risks to health and safety arising from its activities.
  • The minimization and rational management of the generated waste and the continuous effort to increase the waste to be recycled, compared to those that are disposed of as well as the rational management of natural resources.
  • The disclosure of data and information on its environmental performance to the relevant bodies, its partners and the community, upon request.
  • The Identification and evaluation of potential risks and opportunities arising from the operation of the Company.

The management of the changes that take place within the Company and which may have an impact on the quality of the products-services provided.

  • The continuous improvement of the management system.

The principles of the System as well as the objective aims and objectives are reviewed at regular intervals by the Company’s Management in order to adapt to the new needs and market developments, the legal requirements but also to achieve the goal of continuous improvement of the Company’s operations.

Through the continuous reviews of the above, the Management is in a constant search to locate both human and logistical resources.

Management is committed to providing the necessary resources to meet the needs, as they arise and are shaped by the existing situations, to the maximum of its capabilities.

All divisions of Manifest Services S.A. have the responsibility to respond, assimilate and apply the Company’s procedures and policies through their daily activities.

It is also the responsibility of the Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” to ensure that the Company’s Policies are available to all interested parties, communicated, understood and applicable by the Company’s human resources, with the ultimate goal of the continuous, stable development of its business activity, with unwavering commitment to its principles and constant offer to customers of excellent quality services.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

The Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” undertakes to take all necessary steps to prevent accidents as well as to improve occupational health and safety conditions to ensure the protection of the life and health of workers, including suppliers, subcontractors, and visitors; at the Company’s premises and wherever it operates. At the same time, we monitor and study every technological, regulatory – legislative and business development which imposes changes or may positively affect Health & Safety at work, applying every possible measure.

The Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” has defined a specific framework for the conduct of its operational activities which includes specific procedures, protocols, policies and work instructions.

To achieve the above objectives, “Manifest Services S.A.” is committed to the following:

  • Elimination of the risk of recognized risks and elimination of accidents at work by implementing all possible preventive measures and means to ensure the protection of workers and facilities.
  • Continuous monitoring and compliance with the requirements of the legislation for R&D at work.
  • Continuous education, training and motivation of staff in matters of R&D at work.
  • Securing resources for the implementation and continuous improvement of the applied Management System.
  • Institutionalized and documented consultation and participation of the Company’s staff in boards, inspections and evaluations for R&D issues at work.
  • Prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.
  • Identification, evaluation and minimization of risks for R&D for all processes and staff of the Company regardless of the job.
  • Communication with the Authorities, the competent state bodies and organizations for any issue of R&D at work.
  • Investigation of events and drawing conclusions in order to evaluate and improve the Company’s performance in R&D issues at work.
  • Carrying out regular inspections and controls regarding the implementation of the established procedures & instructions for R&D at work.
  • Establishment of clear and measurable objectives for R&D at work and evaluation of the Company’s performance, with the aim of continuous improvement.

«Manifest Services S.A.» considers it a given that each employee will make every reasonably possible effort to fulfill his own responsibilities and obligations, responding to the Company’s commitment, thus contributing to the implementation of this Policy.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

Manifest Services S.A. has determined the risks that threaten its constant operation and has analyzed in depth the activities and the resources required to provide services:

  • Facilities cleaning
  • Facilities disinfection
  • Pest control
  • Technical maintenance of buildings and E&M facilities
  • Landscaping and green areas maintenance
  • Technical projects and facilities renovation
  • Collection and transportation of non-hazardous waste


The Senior Management of Manifest Services S.A. is committed to the implementation and the continuous improvement of a Business Continuity Management System according to the International Standard ISO 22301:2019.


The organizational structure and actions (Policies, Procedures, Business Continuity Plans and Strategies, Delegation of Roles and Responsibilities, Risk Assessments etc.) of the Business Continuity Management System embrace:

  • The definition and monitoring of Business Continuity Objectives and KPIs.
  • The promotion of Health & Safety at work.
  • The continuous assessment of Business Continuity requirements of the company and its customers.
  • The establishment of specific recovery strategies and drawing up applicable Business Continuity Incident Plans.
  • The determination of the critical activities operation minimum acceptable level, in cases of interruption.
  • The continuous information of the company personnel on Business Continuity issues, in order to ensure the company capability to manage immediately any potential incident that may cause interruption or malfunction of the provided service.
  • The full compliance with the contractual, regulatory and legislative requirements related to the Business Continuity as well as the International Standard ISO 22301:2019 requirements


Strategic Business Continuity Objectives that have been set:


  • Critical activities Business Continuity insurance, in case of unanticipated conditions and unpropitious incidents that may result in their interruption.
  • Information, awareness and promotion of Business Continuity as a process in the operation of critical suppliers, partners, and subcontractors of the company.
  • On guard for implementing Recovery Strategies and Plans at determined intervals.
  • Mitigation of the consequences that may cause unanticipated or disarranging occurrences and interruption incidents in the functional structure of the company or affect the company credibility and reputation for its customers or the rest interested parties.
  • Protection and development of the company reputation.
  • Ensuring a sufficiently high level of security and information availability.
  • Preparation and readiness for the immediate activation and implementation of the company Business Continuity Procedures and Plans by all involved.

The Business Continuity Policy is available to all interested parties through posting in prominent places of the company facility as well as on this website.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

Through the provision of Facility Management services regardless of project type or size, Manifest Services S.A. effectively covers the ever-increasing need of professionals and organizations for a complete solution in the Facility Management of all technical infrastructures.

Manifest Services S.A. has developed leading expertise in the field through the provision of truly innovative and sustainable solutions for a series of important infrastructures, such as Airports, Hotels and many other operational facilities including Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Cosmetics, Logistics, Banking, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage and more.

Manifest Services S.A. is committed to its interested parties and guarantees to:

  • maintain facilities in a manner that adheres to safety, health and environmental standards mandated by applicable laws and regulations as well as the Code of Conduct and Business Objectives of each Demand Organization.
  • maintain efficient facilities by adopting practices that optimize their useful life and operational performance, consistent with CSR friendly strategies for the benefit of each Demand Organization, the Environment, local communities and our Society.
  • enable effective decision making by providing necessary and sufficient information on facilities and Facility Management activities in a timely and effective manner.

Manifest Services S.A. maintains 4 top priorities regarding the service delivery of its projects:

  1. Technical Excellence

Manifest, as a provider of Facility Management services, will work with its clients and demand organizations using cutting edge hardware and software solutions in order to ensure the absolute efficiency of their premises.

  1. Economic Optimization

Manifest is committed to provide excellence in the delivery of Facility Management services at an acceptable and affordable cost. Manifest will adopt sound Facility Management practices that enable attainment of efficiency gains.

  1. Managerial and Administration Excellence

Management is bound to a Facility Management service delivery framework based on sound FM practices and define attainable objectives for its employees. Management ensures that employees attain the appropriate level of skills and knowledge required to perform their designated tasks. Management exercises the level of authority required to perform these tasks and supply any tools which would make performance of the tasks safer and/or substantially more productive.

  1. Management of Risks

For Manifest, a risk-based approach to every operation / action is a matter of culture, maintained by regular personnel trainings, risk assessment brainstorming meetings and awareness programs.

We hereby commit:

  • to satisfy all applicable requirements of clients, based on the characteristics of the users of each facility and the facility itself.
  • to Constantly monitor our performance through Facility Management, Environmental, H&S, Quality, Business Continuity and CSR objectives and KPIs.
  • to respond immediately and with clarity to any issues regarding the local context of the provided services.
  • to the continuous improvement of the Company’s Facility Management System (ISO 41001:2018).

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

The main goal of the Quality Management System, Environment, Health & Safety at work of the Company “Manifest Services”, which provides building cleaning services, is to create a basis for continuous improvement of the efficiency of its processes, always guided by the continuous satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its customers to the maximum extent possible, the proper and effective environmental management and the promotion of the health and safety of employees.

In this context, Manifest Services developed the Covid Shield management system based on the relevant certification scheme developed by TUV AUSTRIA HELLAS.

Stopping the transmission and spread of a virus and / or disease is now an integral part of the Company’s business planning. Proper planning and faithful implementation of measures and action plans contribute to a comprehensive mechanism to ensure Public Health. Cleaning and disinfection are no longer a cultural choice but a necessity. Small failures are not allowed but constant compliance, vigilance and review across the whole range of activities whether they are direct (service provision) or indirect (corporate operations and activities).

It is maintained and expanded throughout the operation of the Company (working days and hours, overtime work, work on holidays, etc.)

For the implementation of the above, the Management continuously supports and applies the basic principles and rules that govern the Covid Shield Management System. For this purpose it has all the material and intangible resources that are necessary to achieve the goals of the System.

The basic principles as expressed through the Covid Shield management system are:

  • Compliance with laws and regulations and other requirements prepared by the National Health Organization or other involved authority. It has installed a monitoring mechanism which immediately activates changes and communicates them throughout the Company.
  • Adherence to agreements and commitments to customers, in order to increase their sense of security and satisfaction.
  • Constructive cooperation with all suppliers/ partners.
  • Promoting communication and information of stakeholders in a spirit of honesty and mutual respect.
  • In this direction, all the communication channels offered by marketing & technology are utilized to communicate, among others, the successful level of compliance with the requirements of the certification scheme.
  • The continuous information, training and encouragement of the staff for their active participation, on an individual and group level, in their psychological support and overall in the continuous improvement of the working environment.
  • Respect for personal data and health information of customers, partners and employees. In this direction specific instructions are given for the protection of the dignity of people who may be carriers, patients or be considered a possible / suspected case.
  • The establishment of objectives and measurable indicators that document the commitment of the Management to the objectives of the certification scheme but also show its effectiveness. These indicators relate to number of training programs, information campaigns, staff training hours, customer satisfaction, number of cases, and compliance with organizational and technical measures. Their monitoring in combination with the corrective actions taken, promote the continuous improvement which is a fundamental business value of Manifest Services.

The principles of the Certification Scheme, as well as its objective aims and objectives, are reviewed at regular intervals by the Company’s Management in order to adapt to new needs and developments, legislative and regulatory requirements and to achieve the goal of stopping transmission and dispersion. Viruses and diseases in this very small but at the same time very large. What belongs to us as Manifest Services.

Through the continuous reviews of the above, the Management is in a constant search for the identification of both human and material needs. Management is committed to providing the necessary resources to meet the needs, as they arise and are shaped by the existing situations, to the maximum of its capabilities.

All departments of the Company “Manifest Services” have the responsibility to respond, assimilate and implement the procedures, instructions, action plans, training programs related to the management system of the certification scheme.

The Covid Shield Team has incorporated issues related to Negative Behaviors & Social Stigma into all training programs and announcements. For this purpose, a relevant directive has been prepared which communicates to the staff through announcements, e-mail, training, etc. The Company makes it clear that negative behaviors related to the occurrence of the disease are not acceptable and are a serious reason to investigate the solution of any cooperation.

It is also the responsibility of the Management of the Company “Manifest Services” to ensure that the Covid Shield Policy is available to any interested party, notified, understood and applicable by all the human resources of the Company and its associates, with the ultimate goal of continuous, steady growth of its business activity, with an unwavering commitment to its principles and the constant offer to its customers of excellent quality services.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

The Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” is committed to responsible energy management as part of its overall Environmental Policy, facilities, and services. The company seeks to streamline the use of electricity and fuel consumption by minimizing energy costs, the environmental impact of harmful emissions, depletion of fossil fuels, maintaining its business objectives, as well as an acceptable working environment for employees.

The Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” is committed to:
• ensure the availability of information and the necessary resources to achieve the energy objectives
• comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption
• the continuous improvement of energy efficiency and the Management System in relation to energy management
In addition, the Management of “Manifest Services S.A.” takes care to:
• ensure that the scope and boundaries of the Management System are properly defined,
• set out this Policy and energy objectives,
• ensure that the requirements of the Management System are integrated into the company’s business processes,
• approve and monitor the implementation of action plans,
• ensure the availability of the resources necessary for the effective implementation of the Management System,
• announce the importance of efficient energy management and compliance with the requirements of the Management System,
• ensure that the Management System achieves the desired results,
• promotes continuous improvement of energy efficiency,
• ensures the creation of an Energy Management Team,
• provides guidance and support to individuals who contribute to the efficiency of the Management System and energy management,
• ensures that energy targets are appropriate,
• ensures that procedures are established and implemented to identify and address changes affecting the Management System and energy efficiency within its scope and limits.

This Policy is communicated throughout the company, is available to any interested party and is reviewed at least annually.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

The main goal of the Quality Management System of “Manifest Security” is the creation of a framework with the aim of ensuring the continuous improvement of its functions, always having as a basic guideline the satisfaction of the expectations and needs of its customers to the maximum possible extent.

For the implementation of the above goal, the Management continuously supports and applies the basic principles and rules that govern the Company’s Quality System, based on the undivided and constructive cooperation of both its employees and its associates.

Therefore, an integral part of the activities and the ultimate goals of the Quality Management System are:

  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous improvement of functions.
  • Compatibility with new technological developments and their application in order to increase the solutions offered to our customers.
  • Observance of all legislative and regulatory requirements related to the operation of the Company but also to the particularities of the projects it undertakes.

The basic principles as they are expressed in the procedures of the Company’s Quality Management System are the following:

  • Compliance with customer requirements.
  • Continuous customer support after the sale to evaluate messages that can meet, in addition to the needs expressed, also those derived from the customers.
  • Constructive cooperation with all vendors.
  • Compliance with the required specifications regarding storage procedures.
  • Continuous information and training of the staff.
  • Investigation of the causes of cases of non-compliance or of complaints and further identification of corrective actions.
  • Definition of measurable and objectives for the improvement of the overall operation of the Company.
  • Identification and evaluation of potential risks and opportunities arising from the operation of the Company.

Management of modifications that take place within the Company and may have an impact on the quality of the products – services provided.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

Manifest Services has acknowledged that bribery is considered as one of the most severe and difficult issues to manage that affects all the organizations globally and constitutes a critical threat not only for the community but for the company operation, employees and business associates.   

Manifest Services recognizes the importance of defeating bribery and corruption as well as the negative impact to the reputation that could arise from any bribery action, for that purpose has implemented the present Anti-Bribery Policy.   

The Anti-Bribery Policy aims to aware company’s personnel and partners against bribery, irrelevantly their connection with the company, in order to cultivate anti-bribery attitude, to enhance honesty and integrity and contribute to the whole workflow improvement.

The company hereby declares the Management commitment for zero tolerance approach to bribery, for this purpose sets a framework of responsibilities and guidelines.

Specifically, the Anti-Bribery Policy is intended to:

  • Comprehension of bribery definition and types.
  • Compliance with the applicable anti-bribery laws.
  • Zero tolerance for the occurrence of bribery by company’s personnel, employees, top management and business associates.
  • Set objectives for anti-bribery and proper reviewing mechanisms in order to be achieved.
  • Encourage persons to report in good faith or on basis of a reasonable belief attempted, suspected and actual bribery and prohibit retaliation.
  • Investigating and dealing with bribery incidents ensuring confidentiality.
  • Continuous personnel’s anti-bribery awareness through appropriate actions resulting to objectives achievement.
  • Continuous awareness of suppliers and subcontractors concerning anti-bribery.
  • Anti bribery Risk-assessment for all company processes.
  • Planning of anti-bribery Internal audits at frequent intervals.
  • Protection of company reputation.
  • Ensure the compliance with Anti-Bribery Management System according to the ΕΝ ISO 37001:2016 Standard requirements and continuous improvement.

Manifest Services is obliged to manage all the activities with integrity and express its expectations concerning bribery risks mitigation.

All persons are required to conform with the Anti-Bribery Policy, therefore whosoever breaches the mentioned Rules of Policy, or any legislative applicable rule referred to bribery, will be confronted with the stated disciplinary and criminal penalties. All involved people are responsible to report bribery incidents that oppose the Policy purpose.



Manifest believes in a work environment that is governed by respect and is based on respect for human dignity, condemns violence and harassment with zero enforcement and takes the necessary measures to prevent, avoid and deal with such incidents.

Manifest recognizes that violence and harassment at work can constitute a violation or abuse of human rights, pose a threat to equal opportunities and are unacceptable and incompatible with decent work. For this reason, the parameter of recording incidents of violence and harassment at work has been added to the performance index of Employee Satisfaction, with the annual target of this parameter being set as zero.

⋅ “Violence and harassment” in the world of work means behaviors, acts, practices, or threats thereof that are intended, lead to, or may lead to physical, psychological, sexual, or financial harm, whether manifested individually or repeatedly.

⋅ The term “harassment” means any form of conduct which has as its object or effect the violation of the dignity of the person and the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or aggressive environment, whether constituting discrimination or including harassment on grounds of gender or for other reasons discrimination.

In Manifest we protect our employees and others in the world of work, including employees as defined by national law and practice, as well as working persons regardless of their contractual status, persons attending training, including trainees and apprentices, employees whose employment has been terminated, volunteers, jobseekers and jobseekers and persons exercising the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the employer.

To prevent situations of violence and harassment in the workplace, we make sure to inform our employees about what constitutes violence and harassment, where they can go and how they can deal with such an incident. We care about raising the awareness of our employees around issues of equality, equal opportunities, and protection of dignity.

With this Policy we provide contact details of an organization with which an employee can communicate in case he / she is faced with such a situation (24-hour line SOS 15900 of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality).

In the online media of our company, we post relevant material in the context of the vigilance and awareness of our employees, but also of the whole society and we promote the voluntary offer to respective organizations.

Through our Policies and Procedures, it is clear to everyone how everyone should do their job and what behaviors and actions are acceptable within the work environment, where each employee can record all the wrong texts of interest to the colleague. regardless of hierarchical level or position. In case of report, the issue is treated with confidentiality, discretion and in order to protect the dignity of the persons involved.

The measures taken to record and report incidents of violence and harassment are:

1) A separate communication channel has been created. Creating an email wecare@manifest.gr , that all staff will have so they can report any relevant incident in writing

2) There is the telephone line for “our people” (211-3456747), which is another channel of communication.

3) The open-door policy implemented by our company and the ability of each employee to schedule a personal meeting with our HR Manager.

4) An authorized person has been appointed who has been trained to deal with such situations, who is the HR Manager and specific steps have been set to investigate the matter.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

The main objective of the Social Responsibility Management System is to create a basis for the continuous improvement of the efficiency of its processes, always aiming at the continuous satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its recognized stakeholders in matters of social responsibility to the maximum extent possible.

For the implementation of the above, the Management continuously supports and applies the basic principles and rules that govern the Company’s Social Responsibility Management System, establishing objectives based on the undivided and constructive cooperation of both its employees and its partners.

The basic principles as they are expressed in the procedures of the Company’s Social Responsibility System are:

  • Full compliance with the legislative & regulatory framework that governs the operation of the Company, is also a basic commitment of the Management.
  • The recognition of the requirements and the consequent needs of the customers.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the Social Responsibility Standard, SEDEX/SMETA.
  • Compliance with the Pillars of SMETA (Child labor, Forced or compulsory labor, Health and safety, Freedom of association and collective bargaining, Discrimination, Disciplinary practices, Working hours, Remuneration system, the Management system).
  • The continuous support of the customer after the sale as well as the constructive cooperation with all the suppliers.
  • The continuous improvement of all the company’s activities.
  • The continuous information and training of the staff
  • Investigating causes of non-conformities or complaints and further determining corrective actions.

The principles of the system, as well as the objectives for social responsibility, are reviewed at regular intervals by the Company’s Management to adapt to the new needs of direct and indirect customers, the legislative requirements, and to achieve the goal of continuous improvement of operations of the company.

Through the continuous reviews of the above, the Administration is in a continuous search to identify both human and logistical needs. The Administration is committed to providing the required resources to cover the needs, as they arise and are shaped by the existing situations, to the best of its abilities.

All Personnel has the responsibility to respond, assimilate and apply the procedures required by the Social Responsibility System through their daily activities.

It is also the responsibility of its Management to ensure that the Social Responsibility Policy is communicated, understood, and applicable by all of the Company’s human resources, with the aim of the continuous, stable development of its business activity with unwavering adherence to its principles and the continuous offer to the customers of the high-quality services.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

Manifest Services S.A. upholds its business integrity and compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. It is committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior and economic and social sustainability.

In terms of compliance and ethics, it has business integrity, fair competition, confidentiality, and good marketing practices.

Does not use child labor and prohibits discrimination on all grounds, including sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, gender status, and expression, or any other characteristic which is protected by law. Provides a workplace free from human rights abuses, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporate punishment, excessive use of authority, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse or threats of such actions. Wages, benefits, and working hours comply with applicable law and freedom of association.

The health and safety of all staff are ensured, and a Safety Technician is always available to inspect the premises and train workers on important matters.

All staff is encouraged to report concerns or potentially illegal activities in the workplace without fear of retaliation. The company then investigates and takes appropriate corrective action. Any potential fraud, regardless of its significance, must be reported promptly.

Manifest is committed to integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles across its operational procedures and business activities. We acknowledge the importance of responsible business conduct towards business growth and positive impact on the society and the environment.

Our ESG Commitments

  • We integrate ESG principles into our decision-making processes, evaluating ESG risks, opportunities, and positive impact creation through its activities.
  • We ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and requirements of our stakeholders.
  • We aim to monitor the effective implementation of our ESG action plan, ensuring the availability of the necessary financial and human resources.
  • We guarantee the sufficient management of complaints and concerns raised by our stakeholders through the introduction of standardised grievance mechanism.
  • We embrace innovation and technology as catalysts for sustainable progress and seek the provision of services that drive positive change through innovative solutions.
  • We aim to prioritise sustainable practices that mitigate environmental footprint, enhance waste reduction and energy efficiency.
  • We collaborate with our suppliers to enhance their ESG practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and responsible business conduct.
  • We enhance engagement with stakeholders aiming to satisfy their needs and expectations and contribute to long-term value creation across the industries we serve.
  • We preach social responsibility, ensuring transparency, accountability, and promoting ESG values across our workforce.
  • We encourage personal development and provide training and capacity building to our employees.
  • We promote social well-being and uphold ethical governance standards.

Dionysios Ammolochitis

Founder & CEO

Active Procedures
client satisfaction