Manifest Services at the Real Estate Forum 2022
Energy saving has been an extremely important issue in recent years and even more so today, due to the latest developments. Antonis Kourounis, Energy Services Manager of Manifest Services, presented in a panel discussion at the Premium Real Estate Forum 2022, how Energy Saving, through Energy Upgrading, affects the value of a property. Mr Kourounis also pointed out that for the successful achievement of a building facility’s energy saving, it is necessary to perform integrated energy management. In the panel also participated Mr. Ioannis Karnavas, Head of External Networks of Private Housing Products, Eurobank and Mr. Vassilis Axarlis, CEO of Ellika Real Estate. The Real Estate Forum took place on May 14-15, 2022, at MEC Paiania.

The Real Estate Forum is the first Greek conference for the Real Estate market, where all decision makers of the Greek real estate market meet, in order to be updated with the latest information, networking and discuss about the industry strategies.
We would like to thank Real Estate Forum 2022 for inviting us to such an interesting conversation and for organizing a successful event.